Tuesday, March 31, 2009

thank you ohjoy.blogs for putting Jaqleen Bleu on the map for me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

you're the best friend, that i've ever had.

here is biz and i. a long while ago. this is our apartment we shared above the butcher shoppe.
i miss this place, and i miss those wristbands.
i miss teenage mutant ninja turtle ooze in our mop bucket.
i miss big wreck, the hamster.
and beach boy fridays.

i like my bestie. he is a good dude.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"You're missing the point," she said. "What you're saying makes sense in theory, but not in practice. You're trying to compare apples and oranges."

"Why do you keep saying that?" he asked in response. "Apples and oranges aren't the different, really. I mean, they're both fruit. Their weight is extremely similar. They both contain acidic elements. They're both roughly spherical. They serve the same social purpose. With the possible exception of a tangerine, I can't think of anything more similar to an orange then an apple. If I was having lunch with a man who was eating an apple and- while I was looking away- he replaced that apple with an orange, I doubt I'd even notice. So how is this a metaphor for difference? I could understand if you said, "That's like comparing apples and uranium,' or 'That's like comparing apples with baby wolverines,' or 'That's like comparing apples with the early work of Raymond Carver,' or 'That's like comparing apples with hermaphroditic ground sloths,' Those would all be valid examples of profound disparity. But not apples and oranges. In every meaningful way, they're virtually identicle."

"You're missing the point." she said again, this time for different reasons.

i love you chuck- your writing makes me laugh.
ps - the photo is the works of the ever talented frank garcia. he's increds. glad to have you home buddy.