Friday, September 5, 2008

A Uncomfortable Sharpe Lost In Bay Streeters

This is how the conversation went down:

Bay Streeter (maybe not even, so we'll actively name him 10pm suit shimmying his way in my direction) : So what do you do?

Me: (awkward shuffling, looking anywhere but in his 10 pm suit wearing direction)

BS: What's wrong?

Me: Nothing, you just kind of make me want to throw up in my mouth.

BS: That's disgusting, you just threw up in your mouth?

Me: No, no you just made me want to throw up in my mouth.

BS: Oh. (as he shimmied his way over to his next unsuspecting victim, and proceeded to gyrate to George Michaels "Faith")

I saw him do a shot of tequila shortly after our pleasantries, the shot glass inevitebly broke thus ricocheting once hitting the floor and covering my leg in Sauza. Classic.


Jenny Dames said...

I can't help it! I love Bay Street crowd! Brutal I KNOW.

Lauren said...

and in turn i will have to say you just made me throw up in my mouth. i like the unshowered, unshaven, never even heard of a iron crowd.

Lauren said...

oh and did i mention not into me?