Monday, August 9, 2010

mouser wants to go to the country

'sup? this weekend was such a tease, nature, beauty all around, easiness, breeziness, wind ticklin' my knees while i napped outdoors. it felt like a dreamworld, and my mister's parents are so so so sweet! they make me feel all at home and warm. i am starting to think a lot about the country- the life, the little amount of hustle and bustle, the trees, the grass (that is found everywhere, not just in bellowoods) and it seems like a dusty life of perfection.

this week is packed with tons and tons to do! moving on sunday, getting things done all week, it is a crazy little week let me tell you- the hard work will pay off when i'm sipping wine in the backyard with my two lovely new roomies and my pigbot for reals!


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